Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
BIG KEV red bull beat clinic part 7
big kev red bull big tune a3c 9th wonder dj premier battlecat diamond d
BIG KEV Red bull beat clinic part 5
big kev diamond d dj premier battlecat 9th wonder a3c
BIGKEV Red bull beat clinic part 6
bigkev a3c red bull dj premier battlecat 9th wonder diamond d
red bull beat clinic part 3
big kev diamond d dj premier 9th wonder battlecat red bull
red bull beat clinic part 4
big kev dj premier diamond d battlecat 9th wonder
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
RAPPERS IN REAL LIFE: More than a Rapper..
I meet people all the time. And I know that meeting people is a huge part of my job. A lot of times when people find out that I am a rapper (among other things) they think that I rap about "booty shaking and shoot-em-up" because that's the first thing that they think of when they think of Rap. Anybody that knows me, knows that's not what I do. But it is a conversation that I have to have on a regular basis. Sometimes I have to prove myself as rapper, then I have to prove myself as a intelligent person. I've even had a music exec tell me on more than one occasion that I can't be both. I can be smart and be a rapper at the same time. That my schoolboy background wont resonate with the fans. Which is more than frustrating to say the least. How can someone tell me that doing me won't work??!!
Nonetheless, I think that it's important to highlight when rappers are doing the right thing. When rappers are being intelligent, when rappers are being ethical, when rappers are being philanthopists, and when rappers are being men of their families and respective faiths. Personally I'm not a big fan of Chamillionaire's music, but I do respect him as a man. I respect his work ethic, his knowledge, and his success. Check him out in this interview where he shows he is so much more than a rapper...
Nonetheless, I think that it's important to highlight when rappers are doing the right thing. When rappers are being intelligent, when rappers are being ethical, when rappers are being philanthopists, and when rappers are being men of their families and respective faiths. Personally I'm not a big fan of Chamillionaire's music, but I do respect him as a man. I respect his work ethic, his knowledge, and his success. Check him out in this interview where he shows he is so much more than a rapper...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
hey check out the homie IC Green, Sunnie Dae, and Pitbull Rockin the stage in the Bahamas!!! Caliente!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I know I get "too busy for this" and "too busy for that", but I do want to stop, take a moment and say thank you for blessing me the way that you have. I really am very fortunate to be in your favor. It’s because of you that I don’t worry about the small stuff, and am always working on the big stuff. (Big to me, anyway). I don’t worry abot being heard, because I know your listening. I don’t worry about being seen, because I know your watching. I don’t worry about what I say, because you have spoken. And I don’t worry about being perfect, because you made me human. So at the end of the day, I’m cool with that. Thanks for looking out homie.
peace and praises
I know I get "too busy for this" and "too busy for that", but I do want to stop, take a moment and say thank you for blessing me the way that you have. I really am very fortunate to be in your favor. It’s because of you that I don’t worry about the small stuff, and am always working on the big stuff. (Big to me, anyway). I don’t worry abot being heard, because I know your listening. I don’t worry about being seen, because I know your watching. I don’t worry about what I say, because you have spoken. And I don’t worry about being perfect, because you made me human. So at the end of the day, I’m cool with that. Thanks for looking out homie.
peace and praises
This is one Blog that I wish I never had to write. In a lot of ways I feel like it is too late. Perhaps that is being pessimistic, because I know that the past cannot be changed, but the future can. I could snap off and say things closer to how I feel, instead I am going to channel that energy into a different place. I once told Dr. Hardy, A black doctor of philosophy at Tennessee State University, that I would not take his advice and pursue a degree in Philosophy because I felt like I wanted to be able to do more than speak about what I thought. Today I realize that speaking out is a more important first step than what I gave credit. I'm taking you back to school with me today.
I feel that the comments made at the press conference held by NYPD following the verdict was disrespectful to the family of Sean Bell. I feel that the officers, except for one, showed no remorse for their actions and were even celebrating their fabricated victory. I do not feel that justice was served today.
The not guilty verdict that was recieved today in regards to the Sean Bell Case is another episode in the Groundhog's-day-like events that loom over the head of blacks and other minorities. Police brutality and racial profiling is not somethign new to our community. We've known for far too long to be suprised. We burned the city down when they acquited Rodney King. We were outraged when they shot Timothy Thomas in Cincinnati, we were upset when Dialou, who was unarmed, was shot by police 41 times. The same fate fell to Tim Stansbury,and Patrick Dorismond. All of these men are on a growing list of black men who lost their lives due to the "alleged" use of excessive force. I have personally have had a number of encounters with police because I caught their attention, caught being at the wrong place at the wrong time, driving a car that looked suspicious, or just looking suspicious myself, as I was told by police. I am often confronted by the officer, only for them to give me a ticket as a way to "inconvience me" because apparently I am making them work more than they want to, gave them some attitude, and thats their way of getting back at me. From the moment I see blue lights in my rearview, I know that the car behind me is not there to make sure I am doing okay. It's not just me. I am not the only one in my "Boyz in the Hood generation' that has had these experiences. I am blessed that all I have to do is pay a fee. Sean Bell paid with his life. Timothy Thomas paid with his life. Amalou Dialou paid with his life.
Of course, I am black, and I am Priveledged to have a voice in the conversation of our culture. However, it is more than apparent to me that this is not about race. it is about Human rights. I will not make this about being black, and allow people to use that as a device to seperate people. In todays society, prevalent with technology and controlled by the rapid transfer of information from one party to the other. I will not allow this to be tinted with racism. THIS IS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS. Not Black rights, not arab rights, not hispanic rights, HUMAN RIGHTS.
If I play devils advocate for a moment. Lets say, that these officers were in fact in fear of their lives. lets pretend that Sean bell and his two friends all looked like DEEBO from "Friday". It still does not take 51 shots to slow down three unarmed people. Particularly for highly trained detectives (not rookie cops), it is hard to believe that the use of their pistols was the only way that they could defend themselves. One officer shot 31 times by himself. No handgun will give you 31 shots from one clip, so this officer reloaded while the other ones kept firing. At what point did any of the officers realize that no one was shooting back at them? How many shots is considered to be excessive force upon an unarmed man?
I am upset that these types of events keep happening. I am not alone. I remember the most famous quotes of former Tennessee State University president James Hefner. I am paraphrasing, but in many of his speeches, he would say...
"Every morning in Africa, a cheetah and a gazelle awakens under the sun. The Gazelle knows that he must run faster than the fastest cheetah, or he may not awaken the next day. The gazelle also knows that he must run faster than the slowest gazelle or one day he may be eaten. The cheetah knows that he must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or he may not awaken the next day. he also know that he must run faster than the fastest cheetah, or he may never eat."
Everyday I awake in america. Sometime I feel like a cheetah. Sometimes I feel like a gazelle. But I will never stop runnning. I run by being educated. I run by working hard. I run by taking ownership of my circumstances. I run by taking responsibilty for my actions. I run by helping to those who are helping themselves first. I run by using my voice, presence, influence to aid in the betterment of a people, rather than the swelling of my pocket. Most recently, the Pope Bendict of the Catholic church was in the U.S. and he gave a few words that touched me that I will hope to leave you with.
The burden that man carries is to make life on earth as it is in heaven. I urge you as my reader, to help me carry this burden. Please send a message to my inbox with your email address so that I can keep in touch with you outside of myspace, I will keep you up on the lifestyle, and the positivity that will inspire it...
Women in General, are some of the most confused people I know...Don't want what you have, Don't have what you want, Don't need what you get, and Don't get what you need! But always wants more!...particularly with younger women. From my experience, they tend to have a lack of maturity that allows them to be attracted to anything shiny (like a goldfish, sorry!)....To that, I say ladies...all that Glitters isn't gold!. If you love his money, chances are, so does HE. Much more than yourself. And after you've sucked him up in a desperate attempt to gain favor, he'll ride off on rims, you'll walk off - heels in hand...(fucked up ain't I've seen "GOOD GIRLS" in the club about as often as I've seen white people in the back of a police car....(that means not very much) The message here is, IF YOU WANT TO BE LOVED, START BY LOVING YOURSELF, THEN SOMEONE WILL FOLLOW YOUR LEAD...Fortunately, I can say that I actually found a girl that I love and held on to IN THE CLUB...Couldn't believe it, not betting that it will happen again, but it did. WHO KNEW??!! Funny, I asked a few of boys one day not too long ago... "would you want a woman that has her own, takes care of her own, follows your lead, looks good, intelligent, worthy of taking home to mom?" Everyone said "yes!" Then I asked, "what if she's not a freak?" and a hush fell over the crowd! LOL....I told them you gotta slow it down fellas, bc your dick always manages to get you into situations that your brain goes..."WTF are we doing here?! How did this shit happen?" yes, our dicks really do have a mind of their own...The trick is to find a woman that you can actually be friends with, someone that you can actually enjoy being around when sex isn't involved. After you find her, and talk to her, engage her mind, she will become comfortable enough with you to do anything that you want and NOT fear that she will be judged. JUDGEMENT makes more women regret some of the things they have done, and keeps others from doing things they want to do. Very rarely do you find a woman who is confident enough to do what she wants to do, and doesn't feel bad about it. Shit, I think I'm going on a bit of a tangent here...I'll take a break and give you a chance to respond...
RAPPERS IN REAL LIFE: No Niggas in Africa...
Although you might have guessed that I had an appreciation for Dave Chappelle (pause) he is actually not my favorite comedian. Richard Pryor is. I Was watching his "live on the sunset strip" and after reading the latest rant from one of my good buddies...I'm inspired to write, so here goes...
There's a part in his set where he talks about going to africa and seeing people over there that looked like people over here...Over there, they would be a doctor or a congressman, over here, a wino or drug dealer...But he talks about looking around in Africa and asking himself "Are there any niggers here?". And the answer was .."No." He said,"That's because there aren't any." And then he went on to say that the word "nigger" was really only used to describe the personification of our own wretchedness. It's for the WORST things about us. All there stereotypes that are perpetuated each day, and the times when we speak up about them, such as Chris was doing (you gotta read his note "Yall make me sick")...
From the times when we are loud or embarassing in public, to the times when we are in other people's business only to make things worse, or the times when we are cussing each other out for not living up to a higher standard...thats' us...for better or worse..
On Nas' "project roach" you will hear the following..
"It is absolutely silly to have a funeral for the word nigger, when the actions continue.." If you agree with these words, then you also recognize that you must also personify the change that you wish to see. That you must ACT in opposition to those you criticize, or else you are no better than the wretched of which you speak...
So if you don't want to be a nigger, then you probably should try not to do nigger-ish things...I could start making a list, but I'm sure it would only turn into a joke..Probably would be some shit like "you might be a nigger if...blah blah blah"...I don't really wanna go least not right now...
RAPPERS IN REAL LIFE: What Do Women be thinking??!!
SO! Lately I've had several older women, who aren't after me, pull me to the side and tell how they feel like I am "one of the good one's"...I am appreciative of those comments, btu it made me wonder, not only what it took for them to see it, and what it would take for others to see it too. Now, I am a long way from Ohio and I've met a lot of women. Some crazy, some cool, some cute, but most of them have had terrible taste in men. I think most women choose men that aren't good for them. Only to find out just how bad they are on the back end...So ladies, I pose the question to you.
What kind of men do you like?
Why? (this one is optional, half of you won't know anyway...)
Why is that type of man good for you?
Do you or Don't you, currently, have that type of man in your life?
It just got interesting....
I love doing this. My Homie Chubbz said that Apache was where I needed to be, so thats where I was. Now this was my first time ever getting to go. About a week before the presidential election. No one knew who I was, they even got my name wrong (says he couldn't read my writing but who cares) until I performed...then they'll never forget me AGAIN...PEEP HOW I RUN MINES..
RAPPERS IN REAL LIFE: Barack ain't doing THAT shit…
No one can deny that the election of Barack Obama to be the 44th president of the United States was not only historic, but also monumental. A worldwide symbolic victory for millions upon millions of people. With that, Obama now proudly carries the burden of feeding and calming a frenzy of starving people, standing in line waiting their turn to be liberated. But not so fast! This shit definitely isn't going to happen over night. I voted for Obama too, but there's a lot of shit that you're just going to have to fix on your own.
I was watching DL Hughley's show on CNN recently, where he covered some of the Obama parties that were happening in Harlem. People were commenting how wonderful and historic this election was, how they never thought they would ever get to see a black man become president, and how inspired they were by his campaign. How they were now able to look into their children's faces and truly believe that they now have the freedom to be anything that they wanted to be. And then there was a lady shouting about how Obama was going to fix her teeth…I don't know if anyone else got to see that episode, but that lady's teeth were gone long before Obama won in the primary.
Now it is true that all of us who stood in line for hours on end have fulfilled an obligation to themselves, and to this country. But that ain't the end of it. It is still very much the beginning. Because if you haven't made the effort to change your personal situation, then Obama isn't going to change it for you. Obama made it a point to say during his speeches to say "I am not only asking you to believe in my ability to bring about change, I am asking you to believe in yours…" I feel that since Willie Lynch came through to do his work, that so many of us refuse to believe in ourselves, especially to believe in black men. But it was designed that way, right? I believe the directions called for the biggest and strongest nigger male to be tarred and feathered, with their limbs tied to horses, and had the horses beaten until that man was torn apart in front of all the other nigger men, women, and children. This is the method they used in order to break our spirits, but to break our families as well.!.pdf
Now hip hop has suffered through the tarring and feathering of many of our biggest and strongest rappers, not to mention the deaths of Timothy Thomas, Sean Bell and many more, only to see that they missed one. A scrawny, fatherless, ashy little boy named Barack. They didn't get a hold of him. "My president is black and my lambo's blue and I'll be got damn…" if you don't take your ass to school. Because there are no more excuses. There is plenty of shit you can do. Furthermore, you can be the best at the shit you do. Whatever the hell it is, you can be the best at it!! Contrary to what some people believe, it is actually cool to be smart. My mom told me a long time ago…it's better to be a Smart ass, than a Dumb ass any day. I'm not sure where that saying came from, but being a smart ass got me into a lot of trouble as a kid, I'm just glad that it pays off now! There are a lot of intelligent rappers out there, although you may not know, and thank you goes to the Killer Mike's, the T.I.'s, the Lupe Fiasco's and David Banner's of our generation.
I digress, but this is how it's going to go from here on out…Obama isn't going to pay your bills, but he might create a few jobs you can apply for. Now if you don't go get that job, well…that's your fault. Obama might pass legislation to crack down on racial profiling, but he's not giving you a pass to ride dirty. If you get caught, that one's going to be your fault too. So, if you were lazy as hell before the election, Obama isn't going to sweep you into the executive suite!! You got to work for this one. It doesn't matter if you went to Harvard, there's no way to teach you how to grind. There's no way to teach you how to hustle. And by "hustle" I mean get off your ass. Not "hustle" as in "swindle", but hustle as in "self-driven-miscellaneous-problem-solver with-an-extreme-sense-of-urgency".
The fact remains that there are amazingly high expectations set for Pres. Elect Obama, not only due to the amount of firsts that has been achieved by being elected, but the gravity of the time in which he was elected. Millions of people are requesting so many things from him, that maybe we can make it a little easier on him by doing as much as we can first. I'm just saying, Obama is capable of a lot, but only God can do all things. I'm Big Kev, and I am your Rapper in REAL LIFE.
I was watching DL Hughley's show on CNN recently, where he covered some of the Obama parties that were happening in Harlem. People were commenting how wonderful and historic this election was, how they never thought they would ever get to see a black man become president, and how inspired they were by his campaign. How they were now able to look into their children's faces and truly believe that they now have the freedom to be anything that they wanted to be. And then there was a lady shouting about how Obama was going to fix her teeth…I don't know if anyone else got to see that episode, but that lady's teeth were gone long before Obama won in the primary.
Now it is true that all of us who stood in line for hours on end have fulfilled an obligation to themselves, and to this country. But that ain't the end of it. It is still very much the beginning. Because if you haven't made the effort to change your personal situation, then Obama isn't going to change it for you. Obama made it a point to say during his speeches to say "I am not only asking you to believe in my ability to bring about change, I am asking you to believe in yours…" I feel that since Willie Lynch came through to do his work, that so many of us refuse to believe in ourselves, especially to believe in black men. But it was designed that way, right? I believe the directions called for the biggest and strongest nigger male to be tarred and feathered, with their limbs tied to horses, and had the horses beaten until that man was torn apart in front of all the other nigger men, women, and children. This is the method they used in order to break our spirits, but to break our families as well.!.pdf
Now hip hop has suffered through the tarring and feathering of many of our biggest and strongest rappers, not to mention the deaths of Timothy Thomas, Sean Bell and many more, only to see that they missed one. A scrawny, fatherless, ashy little boy named Barack. They didn't get a hold of him. "My president is black and my lambo's blue and I'll be got damn…" if you don't take your ass to school. Because there are no more excuses. There is plenty of shit you can do. Furthermore, you can be the best at the shit you do. Whatever the hell it is, you can be the best at it!! Contrary to what some people believe, it is actually cool to be smart. My mom told me a long time ago…it's better to be a Smart ass, than a Dumb ass any day. I'm not sure where that saying came from, but being a smart ass got me into a lot of trouble as a kid, I'm just glad that it pays off now! There are a lot of intelligent rappers out there, although you may not know, and thank you goes to the Killer Mike's, the T.I.'s, the Lupe Fiasco's and David Banner's of our generation.
I digress, but this is how it's going to go from here on out…Obama isn't going to pay your bills, but he might create a few jobs you can apply for. Now if you don't go get that job, well…that's your fault. Obama might pass legislation to crack down on racial profiling, but he's not giving you a pass to ride dirty. If you get caught, that one's going to be your fault too. So, if you were lazy as hell before the election, Obama isn't going to sweep you into the executive suite!! You got to work for this one. It doesn't matter if you went to Harvard, there's no way to teach you how to grind. There's no way to teach you how to hustle. And by "hustle" I mean get off your ass. Not "hustle" as in "swindle", but hustle as in "self-driven-miscellaneous-problem-solver with-an-extreme-sense-of-urgency".
The fact remains that there are amazingly high expectations set for Pres. Elect Obama, not only due to the amount of firsts that has been achieved by being elected, but the gravity of the time in which he was elected. Millions of people are requesting so many things from him, that maybe we can make it a little easier on him by doing as much as we can first. I'm just saying, Obama is capable of a lot, but only God can do all things. I'm Big Kev, and I am your Rapper in REAL LIFE.
I think I'm having a personal thought moment during Tony and Shan's wedding reception...Everyone had been telling me how "I was gonna be the next one!!" and I have yet to figure out of that was good or Bad??!! I guess we'll find out won't we...
Late night for MasterSpoke bumpin Nas' Nigger Album...listening...and the highway looks like outer space...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Download Big Kev's "Cram Session -1st Edition" Hosted by DJ Pocket & DJ Aaries "> Cram Session -1st Edition " target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photobucket" />
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Alright class, today were going to watch a film by one of our special guests...Its Episode 3 of Rappers in Real Life, featuring Dj AAries and DJ Pocket...Those who don't take notes will not receive extra credit, and most likely will die poor and lonely...Enjoy!
Spring Break Mistake
Its March 2009 in the season of Change, and despite the tension of an unstable economy, we decide to go cut loose, hang out on the beach, get up with some females...Have a happy Spring break everybody!! And welcome to a new episode of WHEN KEEPING IT REAL GOES WRONG...
Friday, February 20, 2009
So leading up to Valentines day, I was feeling muy bueno about having no date nor any plans for our celebration of the day of love. I had been traveling and performing and working so much lately, that I haven't even met anybody new that I could consider a love interest...But in the back of my mind for about the last month, I had an idea that I would be with someone new and we would have a first date on valentines (isn't that nice, i'm being sarcastic)...I'll be damned if it didn't happen...
So the Thursday prior to, I get a phone call from this model that I met and one of my shows in Atlanta. We talk, and trade compliments...and she begins to tell me how the last five years' her valentines days didn't amount to much. She even told me a story where she found out that her BF at the time was cheating on her, and of course she found out that lovely piece of information ON none other than Valentine's DAY...and how much she would REALLY like to have a great Valentines' Day for once and break the cycle..
Meanwhile, I'm having reservations because I'm also hearing the subtle hint of "take me out for valentines and it'll be worth your while"...I'm paraphrasing, but you catch the drift...What I haven't mentioned thus far was that Valentines Day is 1) My parents wedding anniversary, and 2)My younger sisters birthday (Note to potential suitors: Please don't attempt to block time spent with my family or other things I love. I don't expect you to share my enthusiam, just don't hate...its a turn off)...
Nonetheless, although I'm feeling like she is putting the weight of the last 5 valentines' on our first date (OMG), and I think my time table for the day is gonna be crazy tight...I agreed to go out with her...
I knew it then it wasn't gonna work, but I said to myself convincingly, hey I haven't been out in a while...I'm single. I don't have a show tonight, so why not???
So while in the process of planning our date, I come to terms with the fact that I can't think of a single good idea...Which is unlike me, normally I would know where I wanted to go before we hung up the phone...(that shoulda been a sign too)..
So Sat morning, before I left to go pick up all the flowers and gifts and cards for my sisters and parents, and in between V-Day texts to those I wont be seeing...I'm still feeling uneasy about the whole thing...Sooooooo, I hit her up to ask if it would be cool if we could go out on another day. Like I expected, she blew up at me, cussed me out, and told me to have a good night alone. I could have lied or something, but its just not my style...I swear since I have been in Atlanta, I have been cussed out a few times over not taking someone out, not having sex with them, not calling enough...etc. Some people reading this may find it hard to believe, others are probably hoping I don't be so bold as to name them or tell their stories. (no one's on blast tonight) But I'm trying to do the best I can, it was an unfortunate occurrence, and I felt I should be real and let her know. She just didn't like what I had to say. Oh well...
I hit Utopia around midnight and did my thing, but I ended up spending my Valentines' with a pretty girl who just turned 11 and loves her new outfit (I got her FRESH like a pillow with a mint on it!!!)
Do I regret it? Not a bit. 1)I spent my entire day with people I love and wanted to be around. 2)I didn't feel forced into any situations. and 3)I got to make sure that my sisters first real roses came from a man that loves them, not someone who will take advantage of them...and thats muy bueno to me...
I'm a Rapper in Real Life and that's how I feel about it...
BTW since you're in front of the computer, you may as well download my mixtape..CRAM SESSION! It won't make your Crush fall in love with you, But you might fall in love with Hip Hop all over again...BIG KEV HOSTED BY DJ POCKET AND DJ AARIES
So the Thursday prior to, I get a phone call from this model that I met and one of my shows in Atlanta. We talk, and trade compliments...and she begins to tell me how the last five years' her valentines days didn't amount to much. She even told me a story where she found out that her BF at the time was cheating on her, and of course she found out that lovely piece of information ON none other than Valentine's DAY...and how much she would REALLY like to have a great Valentines' Day for once and break the cycle..
Meanwhile, I'm having reservations because I'm also hearing the subtle hint of "take me out for valentines and it'll be worth your while"...I'm paraphrasing, but you catch the drift...What I haven't mentioned thus far was that Valentines Day is 1) My parents wedding anniversary, and 2)My younger sisters birthday (Note to potential suitors: Please don't attempt to block time spent with my family or other things I love. I don't expect you to share my enthusiam, just don't hate...its a turn off)...
Nonetheless, although I'm feeling like she is putting the weight of the last 5 valentines' on our first date (OMG), and I think my time table for the day is gonna be crazy tight...I agreed to go out with her...
I knew it then it wasn't gonna work, but I said to myself convincingly, hey I haven't been out in a while...I'm single. I don't have a show tonight, so why not???
So while in the process of planning our date, I come to terms with the fact that I can't think of a single good idea...Which is unlike me, normally I would know where I wanted to go before we hung up the phone...(that shoulda been a sign too)..
So Sat morning, before I left to go pick up all the flowers and gifts and cards for my sisters and parents, and in between V-Day texts to those I wont be seeing...I'm still feeling uneasy about the whole thing...Sooooooo, I hit her up to ask if it would be cool if we could go out on another day. Like I expected, she blew up at me, cussed me out, and told me to have a good night alone. I could have lied or something, but its just not my style...I swear since I have been in Atlanta, I have been cussed out a few times over not taking someone out, not having sex with them, not calling enough...etc. Some people reading this may find it hard to believe, others are probably hoping I don't be so bold as to name them or tell their stories. (no one's on blast tonight) But I'm trying to do the best I can, it was an unfortunate occurrence, and I felt I should be real and let her know. She just didn't like what I had to say. Oh well...
I hit Utopia around midnight and did my thing, but I ended up spending my Valentines' with a pretty girl who just turned 11 and loves her new outfit (I got her FRESH like a pillow with a mint on it!!!)
Do I regret it? Not a bit. 1)I spent my entire day with people I love and wanted to be around. 2)I didn't feel forced into any situations. and 3)I got to make sure that my sisters first real roses came from a man that loves them, not someone who will take advantage of them...and thats muy bueno to me...
I'm a Rapper in Real Life and that's how I feel about it...
BTW since you're in front of the computer, you may as well download my mixtape..CRAM SESSION! It won't make your Crush fall in love with you, But you might fall in love with Hip Hop all over again...BIG KEV HOSTED BY DJ POCKET AND DJ AARIES
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hip Hop is the Vibe. School is the Backdrop. Adult Contemporary Hip Hop 101. Guest Speakers like DJ AAries and DJ Pocket bring forth references from Stat Quo, Young Jeezy, JC, Kanye West, Jody Breeze, and even a surprise from Iota Phi Theta Fraternity! A Brilliant and Witty dance through Hip Hop and Soul that refuses to get boring for just one minute...
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Who am I? A performer, A rapper, A songwriter, A comedian, A business consultant, Executive producer, older brother, first son, frat member, employee, student, God Father, ex-boyfriend, best friend, teacher, mentor, driver, grandson, step-son, grown man, and voice of pop culture. This is my blog...
About Me

- Muy Bueno
- Big Kev is currently doing club dates, writing hip hop and R&B for other artists, and promoting his current release CRAM SESSION in preparation for the new album BIG KEV as THE NONTRADITIONAL STUDENTdue in 2009. He's also promoting his blog and series of youtube videos entitled RAPPERS IN REAL LIFE, featuring his daily adventures, performances, and commentary on everything from hip hop, male/female relationships, sex, and politics. It's clear to see why Big Kev is in demand and is showing a very successful music career. Now Based in Atlanta, the only place to go is up....