No one can deny that the election of Barack Obama to be the 44th president of the United States was not only historic, but also monumental. A worldwide symbolic victory for millions upon millions of people. With that, Obama now proudly carries the burden of feeding and calming a frenzy of starving people, standing in line waiting their turn to be liberated. But not so fast! This shit definitely isn't going to happen over night. I voted for Obama too, but there's a lot of shit that you're just going to have to fix on your own.
I was watching DL Hughley's show on CNN recently, where he covered some of the Obama parties that were happening in Harlem. People were commenting how wonderful and historic this election was, how they never thought they would ever get to see a black man become president, and how inspired they were by his campaign. How they were now able to look into their children's faces and truly believe that they now have the freedom to be anything that they wanted to be. And then there was a lady shouting about how Obama was going to fix her teeth…I don't know if anyone else got to see that episode, but that lady's teeth were gone long before Obama won in the primary.
Now it is true that all of us who stood in line for hours on end have fulfilled an obligation to themselves, and to this country. But that ain't the end of it. It is still very much the beginning. Because if you haven't made the effort to change your personal situation, then Obama isn't going to change it for you. Obama made it a point to say during his speeches to say "I am not only asking you to believe in my ability to bring about change, I am asking you to believe in yours…" I feel that since Willie Lynch came through to do his work, that so many of us refuse to believe in ourselves, especially to believe in black men. But it was designed that way, right? I believe the directions called for the biggest and strongest nigger male to be tarred and feathered, with their limbs tied to horses, and had the horses beaten until that man was torn apart in front of all the other nigger men, women, and children. This is the method they used in order to break our spirits, but to break our families as well.!.pdf
Now hip hop has suffered through the tarring and feathering of many of our biggest and strongest rappers, not to mention the deaths of Timothy Thomas, Sean Bell and many more, only to see that they missed one. A scrawny, fatherless, ashy little boy named Barack. They didn't get a hold of him. "My president is black and my lambo's blue and I'll be got damn…" if you don't take your ass to school. Because there are no more excuses. There is plenty of shit you can do. Furthermore, you can be the best at the shit you do. Whatever the hell it is, you can be the best at it!! Contrary to what some people believe, it is actually cool to be smart. My mom told me a long time ago…it's better to be a Smart ass, than a Dumb ass any day. I'm not sure where that saying came from, but being a smart ass got me into a lot of trouble as a kid, I'm just glad that it pays off now! There are a lot of intelligent rappers out there, although you may not know, and thank you goes to the Killer Mike's, the T.I.'s, the Lupe Fiasco's and David Banner's of our generation.
I digress, but this is how it's going to go from here on out…Obama isn't going to pay your bills, but he might create a few jobs you can apply for. Now if you don't go get that job, well…that's your fault. Obama might pass legislation to crack down on racial profiling, but he's not giving you a pass to ride dirty. If you get caught, that one's going to be your fault too. So, if you were lazy as hell before the election, Obama isn't going to sweep you into the executive suite!! You got to work for this one. It doesn't matter if you went to Harvard, there's no way to teach you how to grind. There's no way to teach you how to hustle. And by "hustle" I mean get off your ass. Not "hustle" as in "swindle", but hustle as in "self-driven-miscellaneous-problem-solver with-an-extreme-sense-of-urgency".
The fact remains that there are amazingly high expectations set for Pres. Elect Obama, not only due to the amount of firsts that has been achieved by being elected, but the gravity of the time in which he was elected. Millions of people are requesting so many things from him, that maybe we can make it a little easier on him by doing as much as we can first. I'm just saying, Obama is capable of a lot, but only God can do all things. I'm Big Kev, and I am your Rapper in REAL LIFE.
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Who am I? A performer, A rapper, A songwriter, A comedian, A business consultant, Executive producer, older brother, first son, frat member, employee, student, God Father, ex-boyfriend, best friend, teacher, mentor, driver, grandson, step-son, grown man, and voice of pop culture. This is my blog...
About Me

- Muy Bueno
- Big Kev is currently doing club dates, writing hip hop and R&B for other artists, and promoting his current release CRAM SESSION in preparation for the new album BIG KEV as THE NONTRADITIONAL STUDENTdue in 2009. He's also promoting his blog and series of youtube videos entitled RAPPERS IN REAL LIFE, featuring his daily adventures, performances, and commentary on everything from hip hop, male/female relationships, sex, and politics. It's clear to see why Big Kev is in demand and is showing a very successful music career. Now Based in Atlanta, the only place to go is up....
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